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Placemaking: Making it Happen (Online Training)

Nov 5
Nov 21, 2024
9:00 am
5:00 pm
May 16 & May 18 | 2 Sessions
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Registration closes Thursday, October 31, 11:59PM (ET)!

Course Session Dates

This three-week course will take over Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from November 5–21, 2024:

Course Description:

Do you have ideas to unlock the potential of a street, park, plaza, empty lot, market, or other outdoor space in your community?

Project for Public Spaces’ signature three-week online course welcomes professionals from the field—architects, urban planners, public space managers, and other advocates—who are interested in learning essential placemaking principles and tools to implement and manage a public space improvement project.

Over six sessions, our instructors will respond to the unique needs of the group and help you translate your vision into an actionable plan. Materials will include case studies from inspiring public spaces around the world as well as recorded presentations from leaders in the field. Attendees will leave with knowledge of place analysis techniques, useful case studies and reference materials, and an expanded sense of possibility for turning underused outdoor sites into vibrant gathering places.

Learning Outcomes

The training addresses key topics in the creation, improvement, and management of public spaces, including:

Core Facilitators and Speakers


If credit card payment is not an option, please email to request to pay by invoice (via check or wire transfer). Once your payment is received, we will send instructions on how to register for the training.

Scholarship Application

Application Deadline: Thursday, September 26, 11:59PM (ET) | Notifications: Early October

In order to help those who would like to attend the training but cannot cover the cost of registration, we will be offering a “Pay What You Can” option where you can propose what you would be able to pay for the training. This amount will not factor into your application review. We have a limited number of scholarships available, and will grant scholarships to those who demonstrate financial need and benefits of taking the training for their professional growth.

This scholarship application process will prioritize candidates living in vulnerable situations (including, but not limited to, people impacted by racial, ethnic, national, religious, or linguistic discrimination; immigrants and refugees; women; LGBTQI+ people; and people from rural communities).  

Please apply here for the scholarship by the deadline, which will close alongside the early rate on Thursday, September 26, 2023 at 11:59pm EST. If you have any questions, reach out to us at

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions about this training or registration, please contact

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