'Triangulation' for Chicago's Polish Triangle

Robin Lester
Apr 8, 2009
May 1, 2024

Chicago's Metropolitan Planning Council, our partner in Placemaking Chicago, a city-wide Placemaking campaign, continues to make strides in applying Placemaking in Chicago.

MPC asks residents what they want to see in the Polish Triangle
MPC asks residents what they want to see in the Polish Triangle

Their latest project is the transformation of the intersection of Division Street, Ashland Avenue, and Milwaukee Avenue, at a crossroads also known as the Polish Triangle.  MPC has gathered insight and feedback from more than 700 people, using online surveys, in-person workshops and by starting a public group on the Placemaking Movement - PPS's online social network.  So far, ideas from the community have included public art and traffic calming.

Participants map out ideas at an MPC workshop
Participants map out ideas at an MPC workshop

More information:

Photos in this post from MPC's Flickr page

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