Public Market Planning Services

Dec 31, 2008
Dec 14, 2017

The goal of the PPS public markets technical assistance program is to transfer market skills to participating market sponsors, managers, and community development officials.

Training & Visioning Workshops

PPS’s public market training and visioning workshops are designed for market managers, sponsors, and vendors as well as their diverse community partners -- from mayors and community development officials to health institutions to neighborhood organizers and sponsors. Workshops are tailored to the specific needs of a local community and are based on our extensive public market experience and successful "How to Create Successful Markets" training course. Two types of workshops are available:

  • “Getting Started” -- Start-up workshops for new markets, combining training with preliminary visioning for a local public market project. This approach allows participants to learn and apply our unique approach to public market placemaking.
  • “Strengthening Your Market” – Workshops for existing markets, combining training with an evaluation of the market and how it can be strengthened from a design and management perspective to attract more customers and be better integrated into the surrounding community.

For over 30 years, PPS has conducted special custom-designed community-based workshops throughout the United States and abroad and has found them to be highly successful in bringing diverse interests together to share their ideas and concerns, in producing high quality, workable recommendations and in leading to tangible action and results.

PPS Services: Public Market Feasibility, Development and Implementation

To be successful, public markets must be anchor destinations that reflect their communities. Whether a market is selling regional farm products, prepared foods, locally-made crafts, or antiques, it must be an economic generator for vendors and a welcoming place for customers. When this incredible connection of commerce and community is achieved public markets become catalysts and centers of entire districts that offer a variety of places to shop, live, stroll and be entertained. However, public markets are not without risk. The more significant the real estate investment, the greater the need to raise funds for capitol costs. Failure to open a market essentially debt-free can saddle operations, reducing the amount of funding that can be spent on other critical management needs, such as marketing. However, with the right plan, business mix, and management, a public market can represent a real step forward for the enhancement of the local food economy and the community it serves.

While the services outlined here address the most complex forms of public markets--where the client wishes to develop a major indoor market--these services, in some form, apply to all kinds of market development. PPS assembles a team of experts with years of successful, hands-on experience in the development and revitalization of public markets. Each team members brings their own understanding of: planning, marketing, leasing, financing, and development to the project. Collectively we are able to put together strategic marketing plans that will insure that appropriate recommendations are made for the development or revitalization of a public market.

Typical Scope of Work

PPS's assistance generally falls into three phases:

Phase I: Vision and Feasibility Assessment

  • Review of Existing Documents
  • Site Visit
  • Stakeholder Workshop/Vision
  • Estimate Market Demand
  • Assess Customer Satisfaction with Existing Fresh Food Purchasing Options
  • Assess Vendor Capacity and Interest
  • Site Selection and Assessment
  • Phase I Report

Phase II: Public Market Concept Development

  • Merchandising Plan
  • Market Design
  • Operating Proforma
  • Sponsorship and Management
  • Leasing Strategy
  • Phase II Report

Phase III: Implementation

  • Market Design Development
  • Management Training
  • Tenant Coordination
  • Marketing and Promotions
  • Ongoing Trouble Shooting

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