Remembering Laurance S. Rockefeller

Dec 31, 2008
Dec 14, 2017

The staff at Project for Public Spaces expresses our heartfelt gratitude to Laurance S. Rockefeller, who died Sunday, July 11 at the age of 94. Mr. Rockefeller was an extraordinary philanthropist whose contribution to conservation in America is immeasurable. Among his long list of accomplishments, Mr. Rockefeller was the chief patron of William H. Whyte's Streetlife Project, helping to advance understanding of how people use and enjoy urban spaces. He promoted construction of several of New York's "felicitous" small public spaces, including Greenacre Square, and was an important supporter and champion of PPS, from the early years of our organization to today.

Mr. Rockefeller's lifetime of achievement in business, philanthropy, and on behalf of conserving American lands is catalogued at the Rockefeller Archive Center. His influence was far-reaching and deeply appreciated here at PPS. The American Conservation Association, which he established in 1958, has been an important supporter of PPS projects, including the book Getting Back to Place: Using Streets to Rebuild Communities.

We are especially thankful to Mr. Rockefeller for his decision to provide financial backing to William H. Whyte's research in the '60s and '70s, which led to landmark publications such as The Last Landscape and found its fullest form in The Streetlife Project. That groundbreaking study pioneered observation techniques like activity mapping and time-lapse photography, which PPS uses to analyze public spaces.

We extend our condolences to the Rockefeller family. We will remember Laurance Rockefeller gratefully for his enduring contributions to both our natural landscapes and our urban centers.

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