Lincoln Place Placemaking Workshop

May 11, 2009
Dec 14, 2017
Community Plans from Placemaking Workshop
Community Plans from Placemaking Workshop

For passengers getting off the train in Madison, NJ, Lincoln Place is a 'gateway' to the downtown business district. The street houses the post office, train station and movie theater.  However, Lincoln Place lacks the public gathering points and inviting character that marks the rest of downtown Madison. It also needs improvements in sidewalks, parking and traffic flow. To make these improvements to Lincoln Place, Mayor Holden invited PPS to facilitate a community workshop and develop a plan for enhancing the street.

Click here to read the article in the Madison Eagle.

For more on PPS's approach to downtowns, click here.

The Mayor of Madison, the Main Street Executive Director and two local architects try their role as a human roundabout following the PPS Placemaking Workshop.

The workshop proved to be a valuable experience as participants shifted their conceptions of Lincoln Place from merely addressing traffic and parking issues, towards a recognition that the street should be an exciting, sociable place that serves as the front porch for downtown Madison.

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