Placemaking Roundup: Happy Commuters, Healthy City Dwellers, and Hashtags

Aug 24, 2014
May 1, 2024
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It might just be good timing on the active transportation front these last couple weeks, what with our Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place conference entering into the 14-day countdown phase (or maybe we're projecting?). For those of you involved in all things walking, biking, and train-related commuting options, there’s good news on the state of your mental health - according to a recent study, you’re apparently the happiest (sorry drivers). Thankfully, New York City is making good progress on that front, which we are proud to be a part of. Maybe this will raise New Yorkers' happiness levels? (It’s been a rough couple weeks for riding a bike around here.)

But more than just mental health, it’s also been shown that the suburbs are indeed associated with many maladies - including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Less active transportation = less healthy overall (because science!). Good thing Portland is working on that multi-modal bridge and Denver is ramping up its Placemaking projects. Even Texas is upping its game and bringing in… high speed rail? Awesome! Here’s hoping we can get past our hangups and finally invest in a national rail system like the rest of the world has.

If you’ll be joining us at Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place, it’s officially crunch time. We hope your thumbs are ready to hashtag your way through the many workshops, panels, and speakers offered! We’ll be following and tweeting from @walkbikeplaces and looking for your #walkbikeplaces stories. We’re expecting a ton of content to come out of the first two weeks in September - what with the Placemaking Leadership Council and Future of Places preceding it - so if you can’t make it, you can follow along and stay tuned for the summaries afterwards as well! See you on the other side!

As we pack our bags and prep our brains for the oncoming conference onslaught, our thoughts also turn to the post-conference cooldown. If you’re thinking ahead, two excellent training sessions will be taking place in October including How to Create Successful Markets and Placemaking: Making it Happen. For you students out there, scholarships are only available for a limited time, so apply soon!

To keep up with all this (and more) be sure to sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter – as well as our new Instagram account – for an inside peak into things here at PPS.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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