Register Now: Spring Training Courses in Placemaking and Transportation

Jan 26, 2015
May 1, 2024
Join us in NYC! | Photo by Suzanne, past participant of Placemaking: Making it Happen

It's that time of the year again! A huge part of our work at PPS as a nonprofit is the biannual training courses we host here at our New York City office. Every year we are proud to work with an international group of planners, students, scholars, and managers, to learn from and collaborate with the PPS staff and speakers. This year we are happy to announce two awesome courses for the spring session: our ever-popular Placemaking: Making it Happen, as well as Streets as Places - the place to be for making complete streets for people. We hope you can join us and help make it another great year!

Placemaking: Making it Happen | May 6-8, 2015

For two and a half days, attendees of PPS’s Placemaking: Making it Happen training will have the opportunity to learn about the dynamic world of Placemaking. Speakers from, design colleges, development corporations, park management groups, Business Improvement Districts, and more will help show just how multifaceted places are. With presenters speaking on topics ranging from great success stories and groundbreaking movements to failed projects and lessons learned, there will scarcely be a dull moment.

The course will begin with an introduction of theories and methodologies presented by experienced Placemakers. After learning the theory behind places, participants will get a chance to dive in head first (and hands on) to learn the tools used in creating vibrant places. With plenty of time to network while experiencing New York City firsthand, participants are guaranteed to learn from everyone around them. Bringing current or future projects to the training is greatly encouraged. By seeing what others are doing around the country and globe, we all get the chance to become more effective Placemakers.

Learn more and apply here!

Streets as Places | April 16-17, 2015

PPS’s Streets as Places training is held in the heart of New York City, which has established itself as a leader in street design and multi-modal integration. Over the last several years, New York City has become a laboratory for innovation through dozens of Department of Transportation projects that have their roots in PPS’s NYC Streets Renaissance campaign effort, from the  Plaza and Parklets programs, to the ribbons of new bikeways and pedestrian spaces that now run through the city (and out our front door!).

Course participants will learn from a roster of experts how to transform streets into true destinations that attract people, spur economic development, and build community. The course content includes:

  • Principles and practical how-to advice to foster Streets as Places
  • How to successfully engage transportation engineers to get the streets you want
  • On-site exercises  you can bring back to your community work, including how to plan your street network and how to evaluate opportunities for street improvements
  • Ways to jump-start change on your streets right away, through our Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper approach
  • Tours of local innovative street projects in NYC

Learn more and apply here!

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