U.S. Presidential Candidates Ignoring Urban Issues

Michael Kodransky
Apr 2, 2008
May 1, 2024

Despite the large number of Americans now living in cities, urban issues have been astonishingly absent from the U.S. presidential debates. PPS did a spoof article for Faking Places, the annual April Fool's Newsletter, in which Hillary, McCain and Obama make promises for more livable neighborhoods. The glaring omission of urban issues from the national discourse is actually no laughing matter.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:

"There are three times as many urbanites in America as country folk, yet you wouldn't know it listening to the three main presidential candidates, or perusing their Web sites. Instead, you might come away thinking the United States is a collection of Norman Rockwell small towns surrounded by picture-book farms."

Related Stories:  The Candidates and the City [Gotham Gazette] Urban Issues Get Short Shrift [Politico] Candidates Largely Ignore Urban Issues [City Mayors]

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