Market Tour Spotlight: Berkeley Flea Market

Robin Lester
May 20, 2009
Jan 2, 2018
A variety of vendors and shoppers makes the Berkeley Flea Market a center for civic life

At the Berkeley Flea Market, the vendors and shoppers are anything but shy.  Everyone's up for a chat, over tables full of incense, secondhand cowboy boots, jewelry, records, Barack Obama merchandise and more.  The market was found to be one of the country's most diverse, base on a study by PPS in the 90s.

On one end of the market, a large group of men had organically formed a drum circle to the delight of shoppers.

A diverse drum circle enlivens the Berkeley Flea Market

With its inception in the mid- 1970s and its basis founded on activism and social justice, the market continues to be a welcoming and active hub of life in Berkeley.

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