Completed Activities

Dec 31, 2008
Dec 14, 2017

The following list is a sample of the accomplishments of the Thinking Beyond the Station initiative that reflects its broad-based stakeholder involvement.

  • Pilot Transit Agency Convening: In partnership with the Center for Transit Oriented Development (CTOD), PPS organized a pilot convening of members of transit boards and agencies. PPS and CTOD co-facilitated a half-day session that included presentations and discussions of best practices in transit-oriented development (TOD) and placemaking, local experience with TOD planning around new light rail stations, and presentations by board members of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) about station design and planning. Washington (DC) Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Lane Transit (Eugene, OR), and Dallas Area Rapid Transit were represented.
  • TRB Conference: At the Transportation Research Board (TRB) conference on Land Use and Transportation in 2007, CTOD and PPS participated on a panel and co-facilitated a workshop entitled, "Neighborhood Focus: TOD, Transit-Sensitive Development and Development-Oriented Transit." This session address the elements of a vibrant and successful "transit neighborhood" and the opportunities and challenges of a transit agency in successfully integrating transit into the fabric of a neighborhood. The session's focus was on how transit agencies can be more supportive of community goals and livability.
  • APTA National Conference: At the 2007 APTA national convention, Minnie Fells Johnson, PPS Board Chair and former Executive Director of Dayton (OH) Transit, began marketing the Thinking Beyond the Station initiative to APTA staff with the goal of incorporating the intiative and community supportive transit into APTA's current strategic planning efforts and the development of their platforms for legislative reauthorization.
  • Railvolution National Conference: PPS and CTOD presented and refined its Thinking Beyond the Station agenda at the 2007 Railvolution Conference in Miami. Here, PPS expanded upon the qualities and characteristics of community-supportive transit; generated performance measures for community-supportive transit (instead of those based on congestion management and ridership numbers) to decide funding priorities; and gauged interest and support for regional convenings and on-site training charrettes. PPS also identified partners, supporters, and client agencies with whom and for whom we ran the community-supportive transit training program.
  • TRB Annual Meeting: At the 2008 annual TRB conference, PPS presented the corollaries, qualities, characteristics and performance standards of Thinking Beyond the Station, while introducing the concept of community-supportive transit to a broader transportation audience. In preparation, PPS researched transit design standards, as well as historic examples of great transit stations.

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