What Makes a Great Street? Tell us Here!

Apr 15, 2015
May 1, 2024
Las Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain | Photo by Nicolas Grevet via Flickr

Following the launch of Great Public Markets on our updated Great Public Spaces resource page, we are proud to announce the launch of Great Streets!

Streets are our most fundamental shared public spaces, but they are also one of the most contested and overlooked. When streets are great places, they encourage people to linger, to socialize, and to truly experience the unique culture and character of a particular street.

To get us started, we've included 16 examples of streets that function as well-loved places around the world. From Denmark to Malaysia, these examples show how streets can also be destinations for people - places for play, commerce, and multiple modes of transportation.

Frenchmen Street, in New Orleans, Louisiana | Photo by Information of New Orleans via Flickr

Is there a street in your community that deserves notice? Have you just returned from a trip, impressed by the great streets of a faraway city? We want to know about it!

When a place is great, it just clicks. We know it. You know it. These are the places we remember most vividly, the places where serendipitous things always seem to happen, the places to which we return—in the stories we tell if not in person—all throughout our lives. Together—through this online resource and international gathering—we hope to further understand what streets can be for communities worldwide. As we continue to grow this resource, we want your input on what makes a great place, and we look forward to your contributions to our Great Public Spaces site.

La Ronda in Quito, Ecuador | Photo by Agencia de Noticias ANDES via Flickr

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