Weather or Not

Mar 31, 2011
May 1, 2024

April 1, 2011

Opa Locka, FL- Weather is often cited as the number one reason why people don’t walk more or spend time in downtowns and other public spaces across North America. Yet cities can no longer afford big capital projects in their fight against Mother Nature.

Plans to enclose the entire downtown of Saskatoon were scrapped due to budget constraints.

The City of Opa Locka, FL has decided to mitigate its hot summers in a “lighter, quicker, cheaper” fashion by simply declaring a moratorium on weather altogether. “We’ve decided it just doesn’t exist,” said Municipal Meteorologist Jeff Day, “which unfortunately means I’m out of a job.”

This innovative strategy was soon adopted by Saskatoon, Saskatchewan after plans for enclosing the entire downtown under a giant geodesic dome had to be scrapped due to its high cost.  The project was to include an Arnold Palmer-designed 36-hole mini-golf course, an authentic waterfront bar moved piece-by-piece from Barbados, and the world’s largest indoor Slo-Pitch softball stadium.

These ladies in Opa-Locka, Florida, are not complaining about the rain-- since 2009 the town as outlawed any talk about the weather

Weather forecasts are now blacked out in both cities, although rumors have it that some residents watch grainy Weather Channel reruns at the underground website  Most residents, however, support the new law.   “You know, I used to be glued to the Weather Channel and believe everything they told me, drawled Sonny “Bubba” Petrie of Opa-Lacka.  “Now I can just go outside and decide for myself.  I can get used to that.”

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