Walking, Bicycling, and Placemaking: The Recipe for an Amazing Week in Pittsburgh

Jul 8, 2014
May 1, 2024
Pedestrians enjoy walking along Pittsburgh’s riverfront. |Photo via Flickr, CC by the Uprooted Photographer

It's gearing up to be a busy September for all things bicycling, walking, and Placemaking. We are pleased to announce that the 2014 Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place conference program and schedule is now available for your perusal! The conference program spans three days, nine breakout periods, and includes more than 100 presentations and mobile workshops. Additional formats include: poster displays, peer problem solving sessions, and pecha kucha style presentations. 

Two very exciting series at the conference have also been announced focusing on bike share systems and walking advocacy. The first will feature eight breakout sessions to explore best practices for those who research, plan, operate, and evaluate public bike share systems large and small. The latter is a newly formed, very special partnership with America Walks and the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute to develop the Walking Institute. This series of six sessions will provide information and skills designed to organize, orient, and promote walking advocacy efforts. 

While you're there, Pittsburgh will be the place to be the week of Monday, September 8 as there will be many other conferences, meetings, and training sessions happening before, during, and after Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place (as if you needed more to do!). Notably, this includes the second gathering of the PPS Placemaking Leadership Council set for Sunday, September 7 and rolling into the opening plenary of Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place on Tuesday, September 9. 

If you haven't applied to the Placemaking Leadership Council yet, there's still time! There are now more than 600 zealous nuts all over the world shaping the Placemaking movement in their respective communities. In 2013 after it was formed, the inaugural meeting in Detroit showed the amazing potential of a small group of people taking action to make better cities through Placemaking principles. Now double in size, the possibilities are endless, and we're excited to discuss this year's theme "Placemaking: Building a Campaign" with each and every one of you.  And if you're coming to both conferences, you can also register for both at a special discounted rate!

Register now to get our best rates, and we’ll see you September 7-11 in Pittsburgh!

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