'Streets For People' Campaign Kicks off in Seattle

Mar 5, 2009
May 1, 2024
Known for its skyline and natural setting, Seattle is organizing to re-envision its streets as places for people.

'What's your street for?' is the motto of Seattle's new Streets for People Campaign.  Modeled in many ways after the 'Open source' NYC Street Renaissance Campaign that PPS helped to found, Streets for People's approach to advocacy is to connect, convene and inspire a new conversation about how streets can best be used as public spaces for people.


The campaign will be coordinating with a broad range of local organizations, as well as with the city, on bike and pedestrian Master Plans, a Summer Streets program, Seattle's new plan for light rail transit (LRT), as well as a Low Impact Vehicle Exhibition (aLIVE) which invites the public to submit installations for display and demonstrations during a one day exhibition.

PPS' Renee Espiau traveled to Seattle to help launch the Streets for People campaign in February.  Espiau gave a presentation on PPS's work and approach to generating demand and creativity for the higher use of our road space and how that placemaking approach translates into city-wide advocacy.  The event was covered by the Worldchanging blog.

In New York City, PPS partnered with The Open Planning Project and Transportation Alternatives to create the New York City Streets Renaissance (NYCSR) which has ignited a powerhouse of change for pedestrian oriented redevelopment in various NYC locations such as Gansevoort Plaza and Madison Square. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently announced plans to reclaim vast stretches of Broadway through Times Square and Herald Square which realizes dreams set early in the campaign.  Look out for more reclaimed pedestrian space and great streets in Seattle.

This momentum in Seattle further reflects the ripe Placemaking movement that PPS has participated in and chronicled over recent years.

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