Placemaking Roundup: Positive Vibes, PARK(ing) Day, and Parties

Sep 27, 2014
May 1, 2024
PPS Senior Vice President Cynthia Nikitin lounges at the Beach on a recent trip to Detroit | Photo on our Instagram @PPS_Placemaking
PPS Senior Vice President Cynthia Nikitin lounges at the Beach on a recent trip to Detroit's Campus Martius Park | Photo on our Instagram @PPS_Placemaking

Is it just me, or were the last couple of weeks just buckets of Placemaking positivity? Coming down off the high that was Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place, we were sad to leave Pittsburgh behind, especially after we learned how cool Mayor Bill Peduto is. That said, we’re also having a bit of Boston envy now that an otherwise empty lawn on D Street is full of swings! For adults! That we can swing on! Did I mention swings? (One ticket to Boston, please!) And don’t even get me started on these awesome alleys and bus shelters...

And then of course we can’t forget about PARK(ing) Day! It was the ten year anniversary this year and it’s still going as strong as ever in parking spaces around the world. We found a couple image collages of inspiring activism, and shared an article from 2013 on our Facebook page that talked about why PARK(ing) Day might not be needed anymore - which garnered some great feedback - a good reflection for all of us as we contemplate the next steps to improve our city’s public spaces.

To round it all out, we learned that science is now showing Jane Jacobs was right (which we never doubted for a second!). Appropriately, we’re probably going to check out this event on October 15th at the Center for the Living City - dedicated to advancing the observations of Jane Jacobs. If we don’t see you there, maybe we’ll see you at one of our upcoming training workshops? If not, there’s always the StreetsBall!

To keep up with all this (and more) be sure to sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter – as well as our Instagram account – for Placemaking news and an inside peak into things here at PPS.

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