"Placemaking is community organizing. It's a campaign." —Fred Kent, President of PPS
"It's Placemaking, not Placemade. It's a process. You are never finished." —Place Governance working group
"Placemaking requires a marathon mindset." —Jessica Goldman Srebnick, Goldman Properties
"We work at the invitation of residents, with the understanding that they have a deep understanding not only of the problems facing their community, but of the best solutions." —Nupur Chaudhury, Brownsville Partnership
"Don't think 'build it and they will come'; find the local leaders and help them build 'it' where they already are." —Healthy Communities working group
"Government's role: Be the host, don't try to be the life of the party." —Place Governance working group
"Placemaking is more of a circular, iterative process than just something that happens from the bottom-up." —Multi-Use Destinations working group
"We can build systems to engage people, but until we figure out why they aren't engaged and using the public spaces that they already have today, nothing will change." —Madison Mayor Paul Soglin on low-income communities & public space
"We want to transform our sidewalks not only into places where you can walk, but where you can live." —Jeniffer Heeman, Curativos Urbanos
"Serendipity is not an accident." —Neil McInroy, Center for Local Economic Strategies (CLES)
And a bonus from Saturday's bus tour of the host city's public space, with special thanks to Jeanette, our tour amazing guide:
"Why Detroit? Because it's big enough to matter in the world, but small enough that you can matter in it." —Jeanette Pierce, D:hive
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