National Trust for Historic Preservation and PPS Partner to Create More Livable Communities

Craig Raphael
Jun 21, 2010
May 1, 2024

PPS is pleased to formally announce our new partnership with the National Trust. The full press release follows below; for questions about the partnership, please contact Steve Davies.

Washington, DC (June 22, 2010)--The National Trust for Historic Preservation and Project for Public Spaces (PPS) are partnering to enrich towns and cities across the country through the power of Placemaking. This collaboration unites two powerhouse community development strategies – the National Trust Main Street Four-Point Approach®, a proven tool and foundation for revitalizing commercial and neighborhood districts, and Project for Public Spaces' Placemaking, a process that fosters the creation of vital public destinations by promoting collaborative community involvement. Creating Main Streets that are pedestrian-friendly with balanced transportation options will be a particular focus.

"Our partnership with Project for Public Spaces will bring new tools and resources to Main Street and the preservation community, breathing new life into public spaces that are rich in cultural diversity," said David Brown, acting president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. "We are particularly eager to spread knowledge among communities on how to work hand in hand with departments of transportation."

After jointly developing Placemaking programming to empower and engage Main Street communities and preservationists, a pilot project will launch in a National Trust Main Street community. The town, which will be selected from a pool of applicants and named in July, will be aided in design and implementation of a transportation improvement plan that incorporates the principles of Placemaking.

"I believe that integrating the Placemaking process into the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Main Street efforts is the next logical big step for an organization that has shifted its sights from individual buildings to whole communities," said Robert Bass,  chairman emeritus of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Bass and his wife Anne provided the funding for this initiative.

The partnership launched in May with training of Main Street leaders at the 2010 National Main Streets Conference in Oklahoma City. Additional training for historic preservationists will be provided at the 2010 National Preservation Conference in Austin this October.

"Historic Main Streets and districts are some of the best places we have in this country today." said Fred Kent, president of Project for Public Spaces.  "We need to help make these places even more successful, and apply that knowledge to creating new places that people will want to preserve in the future."

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