Learn How You Can “Make it Happen”: Placemaking Trainings 2016

Feb 3, 2016
May 1, 2024
‍Placemaking trainees learn about the programming of Bryant Park

In our 2015 year-end article, we were serious when we said that the placemaking movement was catching on. As the reach and scope of Placemaking has grown, so has the demand for attending our in-house trainings. So much so, that we completely sold out of our Placemaking: Making it Happen trainings that take place bi-annually here in our New York City office.

PPS's most popular course, Placemaking: Making it Happen, is the first in-house training of 2016 and will take place May 11-13, 2016. The session consists of an intensive two and a half day course that builds on participants’ knowledge of Placemaking concepts, and provides the tools to implement and manage individual projects. It is mainly geared toward professionals and students who have an understanding of Placemaking and are currently working on projects either personally or professionally, but is open to anyone who has a general interest in Placemaking. We also encourage teams of professionals embarking on a new project to register as a group to maximize their collective impact on the implementation and management of Placemaking projects.

‍A Times Square visit investigating the transformation and impact of a pedestrianized intersection

The goal of the course is to provide participants with creative ideas for implementation and management of their placemaking projects. Over three days in a group of just under 30, we present and discuss the definitions, concepts, methodologies, and implementations of placemaking and related projects, visit multiple sites around New York City to analyze public spaces using a range of our place analysis tools and techniques, learn from experienced professionals, and network with other Placemakers. You’re even bound to have a little fun!

Speakers include individuals who have direct, hands-on experience in Placemaking across the U.S. and most of the presentations will focus on recent success stories. The topics range from first-hand experience implementing Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper projects, to tactics on how to activate streets for people as part of our Streets as Places focus.

Placemaking takes more skills than any one discipline can offer. PPS remains dedicated to supporting the movement, growing the network, and sharing our experience and resources with Placemakers and allies everywhere - and where better to learn about place than in New York City. Click here to sign up for this year’s training, and we hope to see you in the Spring!

Placemaking: Making it Happen | May 11-13, 2016 | PPS Office, New York City

Learn more, and register here.

‍Placemaking trainees engage in a group discussion after completing PPS’s Place Game

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