Announcing 2018-2019 PPS Senior Fellow, Dr. Sally Goerner

Apr 9, 2018
May 1, 2024

Dr. Sally J. Goerner is the director of the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE), former Science Advisor to the Capital Institute, and Managing Director of the North Carolina Sustainable Community Fund. With advanced degrees in engineering, systems science, and psychology, Dr. Goerner has lectured worldwide on how the Energy-Network Sciences (ENS) create a commonsense narrative of how to achieve lasting socio-economic vitality by revitalizing human networks.

Based on empirical research into what makes complex systems remain healthy over periods of time, Dr. Goerner has developed a set of 10 measures of regenerative vitality for socioeconomic systems. Among their many interesting implications are that systemic economic health requires maintaining a balance of small, medium, and large organizations, which support an equally critical balance of resilience and efficiency.

During her 2018-2019 fellowship at PPS, Sally will be working to apply the universal principles of ENS to placemaking, community-building, governance models, and economic development. Sally also brings to the table her ten measures of regenerative health as the basis of a groundbreaking approach to metrics and evaluation – a crucial element of any placemaking process – and will accordingly work with PPS staff to explore implementation of new evaluation strategies in our projects and programs.

Welcome, Sally!

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